IC 5070 & 5067

Full resolution crop
0bject |
IC 5067 Emission Nebula (ionization front)
in Cygnus |
Date |
August 21, 22, 25 2010 |
Exposure |
Hα 18 x 1800 (9 hours) |
Camera |
STL11000M with Astronomik 13nm filter
(water-assisted cooling) |
Telescope |
ASA 10N @ f/3.6 on AP900GTO CP3 |
Guiding |
Remote guide head with 50mm MiniBorg |
Processing |
MaximDL, PhotoshopCS3, AstroActions |
Comments |
Warm, moderate seeing, nearly full moon |

IC 5067 crop
0bject |
IC 5070 & 5067 Emission Nebula (ionization front)
in Cygnus |
Date |
July 1-3, 2009 |
Exposure |
SIIHαOIII 240:240:240 (Hα
blended for luminance) |
Camera |
STL11000M with Baader narrow band filters |
Telescope |
ASA 10N @ f/3.6on Losmandy G11
w/Gemini |
Guiding |
Remote guide head with E-finder |
Processing |
MaximDL, PhotoshopCS3, FITS Liberator, AstroActions |
Comments |
SII weak for some reason, 1st quarter moon |

0bject |
IC 5067 Emission Nebula (ionization front)
in Cygnus |
Date |
August 26-31, 2007 |
Exposure |
HαRGB 270:30:30:30 (Hα + R 50/50;
RGB binned 2x2) |
Camera |
ST2000XM with Schuler Hα and SBIG RGB |
Telescope |
Celestron C8 @ f/7.4 on Losmandy G11
w/Gemini |
Guiding |
Self-guided + PHD Guiding |
Processing |
MaximDL, PhotoshopCS2, FITS Liberator,
AstroActions |
Comments |
Noisy RGB because of moon & local light
pollution |