| |

Crop 1.5X
0bject |
M57 Planetary Nebula
(Ring Nebula) in Lyra |
Date |
June 11 - July 10, 2014 |
Exposure |
585:150:150:30:30:30 (Composite, cropped, 16.25 hours) |
Camera |
STL11000M with
Baadeer (NB) and AstroDon Gen II (RGB) filters (watter assisted cooling) |
Telescope |
ASA 10N f/3.6 on
AP900GTO CP3 |
Guiding |
External guide head with
50mm MiniBorg |
Processing |
MaximDL, PhotoshopCS6; GradientXterminator |
Comments |
Moderate seeing over
several nights; acquired with CCD Commander |
0bject |
M57 Planetary Nebula
(Ring Nebula) in Lyra |
Date |
July 27-29, 2010 |
Exposure |
225:10:10:10 (Composite, cropped, magnified 160%) |
Camera |
STL11000M with
Astronomik filters (watter assisted cooling) |
Telescope |
ASA 10N f/3.6 on
AP900GTO CP3 |
Guiding |
External guide head with
50mm MiniBorg |
Processing |
MaximDL, PhotoshopCS3
; GradientXterminator |
Comments |
Moderate seeing, high
thin clouds; moon just past full |

0bject |
M57 Planetary Nebula
(Ring Nebula) in Lyra |
Date |
May 31 & June 1, 2009 |
Exposure |
SII Ha OIII 50:50:50
(cropped; various color combinations) |
Camera |
STL11000M with Baader
narrow band filters |
Telescope |
ASA 10N f/3.6 on
Losmandy G11 with Gemini |
Guiding |
External guide head
with E-finder |
Processing |
MaximDL, PhotoshopCS3 |
Comments |
Test run for new Baader
filters; focus is soft |

0bject |
M57 Planetary Nebula
(Ring Nebula) in Lyra |
Date |
July 30 & 31, 2006 |
Exposure |
LRGB 100:15:15:15 (RGB
binned 2x2) |
Camera |
ST2000XM with SBIG
filters |
Telescope |
Meade 10" SCT @ f/10 on
Losmandy G11 w/Gemini |
Guiding |
self-guided |
Processing |
Liberator, PhotoshopCS2, AstroActions |
Comments |
Very warm (85-90º)
and humid, moderate seeing |