NGC 5350
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NGC 5350, 5353, 5354, 5355, and 5358 (Hickson 68 group) in Canes Venatici |
Date | 5/9/2006 |
Exposure | LRGB 75:15:15:15 (RGB binned 2x2) |
Camera | ST2000XM w/SBIG filters |
Telescope | Celestron C8 @ f/6.7 on Losmandy G11 w/Gemini |
Guiding | self-guided |
Processing | MaximDL, Photoshop CS2, AstroActions, FITS Liberator, PixInsightLE |
Comments | Fairly steady seeing; 1st quarter moon high in sky |
All text and images © Gregg L. Ruppel 1998-2014.