This image was made with a Celestron C11 with a 2X Barlow, increasing its focal length to about 5600 mm. An ASI294MC Pro camera was used to record seven 30-second AVI video clips. The videos were processed in AutoStakkert3 (best 9700 frames) and WaveSharp to produce seven separate images. These were stacked in WinJuPos which also de-rotates the individual images. Final processing and sharpening was done in Photoshop.
This page illustrates what can be photographed using amateur telescopes and a CCD camera. I currently use an SBIG STL11000M camera and have previously used SBIG and Starlight Xpress cameras, as well as a Cookbook 245 camera that I built myself. Many of the images o this web site were taken from my backyard near a busy street with several street lights. Not only is the CCD camera a great imaging tool, but it allows "real time" observation of objects not normally visible in areas with moderate-severe light pollution.