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Crop 1.3X
0bject |
M 100
Spiral galaxy in Coma Berenices |
Date |
April 5 - 8, 2014 |
Exposure |
LRGB 276:40:30:30
(cropped, 6.3 hours total) |
Camera |
STL11000M with
AstroDon Gen II filters |
Telescope |
ASA 10N f/3.7 on
AP900GTO CP3 |
Guiding |
Remote guide head with
MiniBorg 50 mm |
Processing |
MaximDL, Photoshop CS6,
GradientXterminator, AstroActions, NIK
Dfine |
Comments |
Moderate to good seeing
but with some moonlight; acquired with CCD Commander |

0bject |
M100 Spiral Galaxy in
Coma Bernices |
Date |
3/31/2006 |
Exposure |
LRGB 120:15:15:15
(5 minute subexposures; RGB binned 2x2) |
Camera |
ST200XM w/SBIG filters |
Telescope |
Celestron C8 @ f/6.7 on
Losmandy G11 w/Gemini |
Guiding |
self-guided |
Processing |
Liberator, PhotoshopCS, AstroActions |
Comments |
Moderate seeing and
transparency, windy |