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M 27

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0bject M 27 Planetary Nebula (Dumbbell Nebula) in Vulpecula
Date May 30 - June 10, 2012
Exposure HαLRGB 435:240:75:50:50  (Hα blended w/ L 50/50, R 50/50, G 90/10, B 90/10)
Camera STL11000M with Astrodon Gen II filters (water assisted cooling)
Telescope ASA 10N f/3.6 on AP 900GTO CP3
Guiding Remote guide head with Mini Borg 50mm
Processing MaximDL, PhotoshopCS5,  GradientXterminator
Comments Moderate to good seeing; acquired with CCD Commander

Click for full resolution


0bject M 27 Planetary Nebula (Dumbbell Nebula) in Vulpecula
Date June 18, 20 2009
Exposure HαOIIISII 70:70:70 (all unbinned)
Camera STL11000M with Baader narrow band filters
Telescope ASA 10N f/3.6 on Losmandy G11 w/Gemini
Guiding Remote guide head with E-Finder
Processing MaximDL, PhotoshopCS3, FITS Liberator, GradientXterminator
Comments High thin clouds both nights; FWHM 4-5 arcseconds

Click for full resolution


M 27 Planetary Nebula (Dumbbell Nebula) in Vulpecula
Date September 1, 2007
Exposure LRGB 27:15:15:15  (RGB binned 2x2)
Camera ST2000XM with SBIG filters
Telescope Celestron C8 @ f/7.4 on Losmandy G11 w/Gemini
Guiding Self-guided
Processing MaximDL, PhotoshopCS2, FITS Liberator, GradientXterminator
Comments A quickie to take advantage of the excellent seeing before moonrise

Click on image for full resolution version


M27 Planetary nebula in Vulpecula
Date August 4 & 5, 2006
Exposure LRGB 175:45:45:45 (RGB binned 2x2)
Camera ST2000XM with SBIG filters
Telescope LX200 10" @ f/10 on Losmandy G11 w/Gemini
Guiding Self-guided
Processing MaximDL,  Photoshop CS2, FITS Liberator, AstroActions
Comments Very warm and humid, waxing moon low in the sky

Click on image for high resolution version


M27 Planetary nebula in Vulpecula
Date 9/19 and 9/20//2004
Exposure HaHaGB 50:50:10:10 (GB binned 2x2)
Camera SXV-H9 w/ Schuler filters
Telescope LX200 10" @ f/6.3 on Losmandy G11
Guiding ST-4 guided 
Processing MaximDL, AIP4Win, Photoshop 
Comments Equalized color in AIP4Win; very good transparency overhead