0bject | M33 Galaxy in Triangulum |
Date | October 25 - November 1, 2019 (reprocessed 12/10/2021) |
Exposure | HαLRGB 210:1050:240:190:220 (28.3 hours) |
Camera | STL11000M with AstroDon Gen II filters |
Telescope | ASA 10N f/3.7 on AP900GTO CP3 |
Guiding | Remote guide head with MiniBorg 50 mm |
Processing | MaximDL, Photoshop CS6, Astronomy Tools, (StarExterminator, Topaz Sharpen AI, Denoise AI) |
Comments | Moderate to good seeing; acquired with CCD Commander from Animas, NM |
Object |
M33 Galaxy in Triangulum |
Date | October 18 and November 20 2009 |
Exposure | CHαOIIIOIII
14:90:150:150 (Hα = red, OIII = blue and green) RGB 40:40:30 (combined with NB and cropped) |
Camera | STL11000M with Baader narrow band filters, Astronomik RGB filters |
Telescope | ASA 10N f/3.6 on Losmandy G11 w/Gemini |
Guiding | Remote guide head with Mini Borg 50mm |
Processing | MaximDL, PhotoshopCS3, FITS Liberator, GradientXterminator |
Comments | Clear and cool both nights |
Object |
M33 Galaxy in Triangulum |
Date | October 18 2009 |
Exposure | CHαOIIIOIII 14:90:150:150 (Hα = red, OIII = blue and green) |
Camera | STL11000M with Baader narrow band filters |
Telescope | ASA 10N f/3.6 on Losmandy G11 w/Gemini |
Guiding | Remote guide head with Mini Borg 50mm |
Processing | MaximDL, PhotoshopCS3, FITS Liberator, GradientXterminator |
Comments | Clear and cool |
Object |
M33 Galaxy in Triangulum |
Date | September 26-27, 2008 |
Exposure | LRGB 175:15:15:15 |
Camera | STL11000M with Astronomik filters |
Telescope | ASA 10N f/3.6 on Losmandy G11 w/Gemini |
Guiding | Remote guide head with E-finder |
Processing | MaximDL, PhotoshopCS2, FITS Liberator, GradientXterminator |
Comments | Cool with just moderate seeing |
Object |
M33 Galaxy in Triangulum |
Date | 10/16/2004 |
Exposure | HaLRGB 60:56:36:40:40 (Ha + Red 25/75) |
Camera | SXV-H9 w/ Schuler filters |
Telescope | Takahashi FC-76 @ f/5.9 on Losmandy G11 |
Guiding | ST-4 guided |
Processing | MaximDL, AIP4Win, Photoshop, NeatImage |
Comments | Clear and cool, moderate transparency |