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Object |
M5 Globular Cluster in Serpens Caput |
Date | 5/23/2006 |
Exposure | LRGB 50:20:15:15 (RGB binned 2x2; luminance synthesized from RGB) |
Camera | ST2000XM w/ SBIG filter |
Telescope | Celestron C8 @ f/6.7 on Losmandy G11 w/Gemini |
Guiding | Self-guided |
Processing | MaximDL v4.07, Photoshop CS, FITS Liberator, AstroActions, PixInsightLE |
Comments | Mild and fairly steady seeing |
Object |
M5 Globular Cluster in Serpens Caput |
Date | 5/26/2005 |
Exposure | LRGB 15:9:9:9 (RGB unbinned) |
Camera | SXV-H9 with Schuler filters |
Telescope | LX200 f/6.3 on Losmandy G11 (~1600 mm) |
Guiding | ST-4 |
Processing | MaximDL v4.07, Photoshop CS, PixInsightLE |
Comments | Clear steady skies |