Last updated on

0bject |
M67 Open Cluster in Cancer |
Date |
February 10, 2010 |
Exposure |
RGB 10:10:10 (cropped) |
Camera |
STL11000M with Astronomik filters |
Telescope |
ASA 10N f/3.7 on AP900GTO CP3 |
Guiding |
Remote guide head with MiniBorg 50 mm |
Processing |
MaximDL, PhotoshopCS3, , GradientXterminator,
Astro Actions |
Comments |
Cold and clear (15� F) |

0bject |
M67 Open Cluster in Cancer |
Date |
February 4, 2008 |
Exposure |
LRGB 50:16:18:17 (unbinned; luminance
synthesized from RGB) |
Camera |
STL11000M with Astronomik filters |
Telescope |
Takahashi Sky90 f/4.2 on Losmandy G11
w/Gemini |
Guiding |
Remote guide head with E-Finder |
Processing |
MaximDL, PhotoshopCS2, FITS Liberator,
GradientXterminator |
Comments |
Quite warm for the time of year - mid
60's; moderate seeing |