Last updated on 10/26/2014


  1.3X crop


M92 Globular Cluster in Hercules
Date May 31 - June 20, 2014
Exposure LRGB 150:30:30:30 (cropped)
Camera STL11000M with AstroDon Gen II filters, water assisted cooling
Telescope ASA 10N f/3.7 on AP900GTO CP3
Guiding Remote guide head on 50mm MiniBorg
Processing MaximDL,  Photoshop CS6, AstroActions, GradientXterminator
Comments Moderate to very good seeing but with some thin clouds; acquired with CCD Commander



M92 Globular Cluster in Hercules
Date June 18-21, 2011
Exposure LRGB 60:60:60:60 (Full resolution, cropped)
Camera STL11000M with Astronomik filters, water assisted cooling
Telescope ASA 10N f/3.7 on AP900GTO CP3
Guiding Remote guide head on 50mm MiniBorg
Processing MaximDL,  Photoshop CS5, AstroActions, GradientXterminator
Comments Good seeing after storm fronts passing, warm


Click on image for full resolution version


M92 Globular Cluster in Hercules
Date 6/18/2005
Exposure LRGB 60:25:25:25 (RGB unbinned)
Camera SXV-H9 w/ Schuler filters
Telescope LX200 10" f/6.3 (FR) on Losmandy G11
Guiding ST-4 guided 
Processing MaximDL,  Photoshop CS, FITS Liberator
Comments High thin clouds and nearly full moon in the sky