M97 and M108
M 97 Planetary nebula in Ursa Major (Owl Nebula)

M97 Planetary nebula in Ursa Major  1.3X crop

0bject M97 Planetary Nebula in Ursa Major (Owl Nebula)
Date March 12-20, 2021
Exposure HαLRGB  165:270:120:120:110  (13.1 Hours, cropped)
Camera STL11000M with AstroDon Gen II filters
Telescope ASA 10N f/3.7 on AP900 GTO CPO3
Guiding Remote guide head with 50 mm MiniBorg
Processing MaximDL, Photoshop CS6, AstroActions, Topaz Denoise AI
Comments Moderate seeing; acquired with MaximDL from Animas NM

M97 and M109

0bject M97 Planetary Nebula & M108 Galaxy in Ursa Major
Date March 5-8, 2017
Exposure OSC 400 minutes (6.67 hours)
Camera ST8300C
Telescope Takahashi FSQ 106N on Losmandy G-11 w/Gemini
Guiding QHY5IIL w/Meade 50mm
Processing MaximDL, Photoshop CS6, AstroActions, NIK Define2
Comments Heavy light pollution and waxing moon; acquired from Ellisville MO


M97 Planetary Nebula & M108 Spiral Galaxy in Ursa Major
Date February 5-6, 2013
Exposure LRGB 240:30:30:30 
Camera STL11000M with AstroDon Gen II filters
Telescope ASA 10N f/3.7 on AP900 GTO CPO3
Guiding Remote guide head with 50 mm MiniBorg
Processing MaximDL, Photoshop CS5, GradientXterminator, AstroActions
Comments Cold, moderate seeing but lots of light pollution; acquired with CCD Commander

Click on image for full resolution version


M97 Planetary Nebula in Ursa Major (Owl Nebula)
Date 3/29 and 3/30/2005
Exposure LHaRGB 99:9:27:27:30  (Ha + Red 50/50) 
Camera SXV-H9 w/ Schuler filters
Telescope Meade LX200 10" f/6.3 on Losmandy G11
Guiding ST-4 guided
Processing MaximDL,  FITS Liberator, Photoshop CS
Comments Clouds on 3/29 and very windy on 3/30