Llast update:
NGC 7331

Crop of NGC 7331 and
Stephen's Quintet OSC 2016
0bject |
NGC 7331 Spiral Galaxy and Stephen's
Quintet in Pegasus |
Date |
August 19-26, 2011 |
Exposure |
LRGB 360:55:50:110 (unbinned) |
Camera |
STL11000M with Astronomik filters and
water assisted cooling |
Telescope |
ASA 10N f/3.6 on AP900GTO w/CPO3 |
Guiding |
Remote guide head with 50 mm MiniBorg |
Processing |
MaximDL, Photoshop CS5,
GradientXterminator, AstroActions |
Comments |
Clear most nights but with some clouds,
generally good seeing |

0bject |
NGC 7331 Spiral Galaxy in Pegasus |
Date |
9/16 and 9/23/2006 |
Exposure |
LRGB 180:25:25:25 (RGB binned 2x2) |
Camera |
ST2000MX with SBIG filters |
Telescope |
Celestron C8 @ f/6.3 on Losmandy G11
w/Gemini |
Guiding |
Self-guided |
Processing |
MaximDL, Photoshop CS2, FITS Liberator,
AstroActions |
Comments |
Clear and mild both nights |