- To promote interest in the science of astronomy, especially for
our children, and their children.
- To stimulate questions in everyone who visits here about the
nature of the universe.
- To record some small parts of the night sky, to look for changes
in a largely unchanging universe.
My father accepts a plaque dedicating
the observatory in his honor on July 5, 1998. Click here for the
DEDICATION remarks. |
The PRODOME 10 foot dome now houses an
ASA 10 inch astrograph,
with an STL11000 camera. I use an
AP900 GTO equatorial mount for several different scopes. |
The dome on a frosty December
morning. Thank goodness for the local area network that lets me manage imaging from
inside the house. |
The ASA 10N
astrograph mounted on the AP900 GTO. |
Losmandy G11 with Gemini controller is also used for portable observing and
imaging. I have a Takahashi FSQ 106 and PST for solar observing (shown
here). |
An SBIG STL11000 CCD camera
with internal filter wheel and water assisted cooling is the primary imaging
camera. |