• To promote interest in the science of astronomy, especially for our children, and their children.
  • To stimulate questions in everyone who visits here about the nature of the universe.
  • To record some small parts of the night sky, to look for changes in a largely unchanging universe.

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My father accepts a plaque dedicating the observatory in his honor on July 5, 1998.  Click here for the DEDICATION remarks. The PRODOME 10 foot dome now houses an ASA 10 inch astrograph, with an STL11000 camera.  I use an AP900 GTO equatorial mount for several different scopes.

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The dome on a frosty December morning.  Thank goodness for the local area network that lets me manage imaging from inside the house. The ASA 10N astrograph mounted on the AP900 GTO.

A Losmandy G11 with Gemini controller is also used for portable observing and imaging.  I have a Takahashi FSQ 106 and PST for solar observing (shown here). An SBIG STL11000 CCD camera with internal filter wheel and water assisted cooling is the primary imaging camera.

                                    All text and images © Gregg L. Ruppel 1998-2014.