0bject | Sh2-261 Emission (Lower's) nebula in Orion |
Date | January 17-19, 2013 |
Exposure | HαRGB 540:30:30:30 (Hα+R 50/50, Hα+B 5/95, HDR combined version) |
Camera | STL11000M with AstroDon Gen II filters |
Telescope | ASA 10N f/3.7 on AP900GTO CP3 |
Guiding | Remote guide head with MiniBorg 50 mm |
Processing | MaximDL, Photoshop CS5, GradientXterminator, AstroActions |
Comments | Good seeing but with a first quarter moon; acquired with CCD Commander |
Object |
Sh2-261 Emission Nebula in Orion (Lower's Nebula) |
Date | 1/17 and 1/19/2005 |
Exposure | HaRGB 315:20:20:20 (RGB binned 2x2) |
Camera | SXV-H9 w/ Schuler filters |
Telescope | Takahashi FC-76 @ f/5.9 on Losmandy G11 |
Guiding | ST-4 guided |
Processing | MaximDL, AIP4Win, Photoshop CS |
Comments | Clear and cold, gibbous moon high in sky |
Object |
Sh2-261 Emission Nebula in Orion (Lower's Nebula) |
Date | 1/17 and 1/19/2005 |
Exposure | Ha (5 hours and 15 minutes; 900 sec subexposures) |
Camera | SXV-H9 w/ Schuler filters |
Telescope | Takahashi FC-76 @ f/5.9 on Losmandy G11 |
Guiding | ST-4 guided |
Processing | MaximDL, AIP4Win, Photoshop CS |
Comments | Clear and cold, gibbous moon high in sky |