NGC 7635 crop
NGC 7538 crop
M52 crop
Czernik 43 crop
0bject | NGC 7635, 7538, M52 in Cassiopeia |
Date | October 12, 2024 |
/Exposure | Luminance only, 75 minutes, full frame |
/Camera | /STL11000M with AstroDon Gen II filters |
/Telescope | /ASA 10N @ f/3.7 on AP 950 GTO CP3 |
/Guiding | /Remote guide head with MiniBorg 50 mm |
/Processing | /MaximDL6, Photoshop CS6, Astronomy Tools, StarXterminator, Topaz DeNoise AI |
/Comments | Poor seeing (FWHM ~3.9) with waxing moon; acquired with MaximDL from Animas, NM |

0bject | NGC 7635, M52 in Cassiopeia |
Date | October 22 - November 1, 2014 |
/Exposure | /HαLRGB 750:243:110:85:85 (Hα+R 50/50) |
/Camera | /STL11000M with AstroDon Gen II filters |
/Telescope | /ASA 10N @ f/3.7 on AP 950 GTO CP3 |
/Guiding | /Remote guide head with MiniBorg 50 mm |
/Processing | /MaximDL6, Photoshop CS6, GradientXterminator, AstroActions |
/Comments | Good seeing; acquired with CCD Commander |

Full resolution crop
/0bject |
/NGC 7635, /M52, NGC 7538 in Cassiopeia |
/Date | /July 19-22, 2009 |
/Exposure | /HαHαOIIIOIIISII 120:120:120:120(Hα for Lum, OIII+SII for Blue) |
/Camera | /STL11000M with Baader narrow band filters |
/Telescope | /ASA 10N @ f/3.7 on Losmandy G11 with Gemini |
/Guiding | /Remote guide head with E-finder |
/Processing | /MaximDL, Photoshop CS3, GradientXterminator |
/Comments | /Moderate seeing, some clouds passing through |

Full resolution (2901
x 2504)
Crop of NGC 7635 (1026 x 874)
/0bject |
/M52, NGC 7635, and surrounding area in Cassiopeia |
/Date | /October 14 & 19, 2007 |
/Exposure | /HαLRGB 105:45:45:45:45 (unbinned) |
/Camera | /STL11000M with Astronomik filters |
/Telescope | /Takahashi Sky90 @ f/4.5 on Losmandy GM-8 |
/Guiding | /Self-guided |
/Processing | /MaximDL, Photoshop CS, FITS Liberator |
/Comments | /Lots of nasty gradients (light pollution) to deal with; image cropped ~30% |
/0bject |
/NGC 7635 (Bubble Nebula) in Cassiopeia |
/Date | /September 12 & 13, 2007 |
/Exposure | /LRGB 85:50:40:50 (unbinned) |
/Camera | /ST2000XM with SBIG filters |
/Telescope | /Celestron C8 f/5 on Losmandy G11 w/Gemini |
/Guiding | /Self-guided |
/Processing | /MaximDL, Photoshop CS, FITS Liberator, AstroActions |
/Comments | /Nasty light pollution from the new neighbors |
NGC 7635 & M 52
Click HERE for the Hα data.
/0bject |
/NGC 7635 (Bubble Nebula) & M 52 in Cassiopeia |
/Date | /10/25/2005 |
/Exposure | /Ha(Ha+R)GB 120:40:40:40 (Ha + R 80/20 used for Red channel) |
/Camera | /SXV-H9 with Schuler filters |
/Telescope | /Takahashi Sky90 f/4.5 on Losmandy G11 w/Gemini |
/Guiding | /ST-4 |
/Processing | /MaximDL, Photoshop CS, FITS Liberator |
/Comments | /Clear and cool |